Movies in 2017

1NameFreedom under the load
DirectorPavol Barabáš
ScriptPavol Barabáš
Duration58 min.Year2016
S krošňou na chrbte sa brodia v snehu, odolávajú búrke i víchrici. Zásobujú vysokohorské chaty za každého počasia. Odhaľme poznanie najstaršej generácie tatranských nosičov. Možno sa dozvieme niečo viac aj o vlastnom náklade a možno pochopíme, prečo v Tatrách ostali nosiči poslednými mohykánmi na európskom kontinente.

2NameZa Seifertem na Žižkov
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorOliver Malina Morgenstern
ScriptOliver Malina Morgenstern
Duration66 min.Year2016
„Kdo hledá, bývá očekáván. Kdo čeká, je jen nalezen.“ JS Inspirovali jsme se a začali hledat. Očekávání jsme nalezli v této svérázné pražské čtvrti, kdy se tato periférie, zapsala do pražských dějin tak významně, že to trvá do dnes. A těch slavných Jaroslavů co prošlo Žižkovem. Jenom namátkou. Jaroslav Hašek, Jaroslav Foglar, Jaroslav Ježek, Jaroslav Marvan a Jaroslav Seifert a Toyen. To vše je protkáno historií Žižkova od husitských válek, po bitvu na Vítkově, až po prvního starostu Karla Hartiga, který dal Žižkovu název, který nese do dnes.

3NameFrom Grain to Painting
DirectorBranko Istvancic
ScriptBranko Istvancic
Duration75 min.Year2014
A documentary about a neglected, marginalized minority in Serbia, forgotten by their country. The “straw girls” are anonymous Croatian artists of Bunjevci ethnicity who live in the north of the independent province of Vojvodina. They found straw to be the “green” medium of choice for creating paintings, sculptures and applied art objects as an antidote to their difficult life on the vast Pannonian plain

4NameCausa Carnivora
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorJan Svatoš
ScriptJan Svatoš
Duration26 min.Year2015
Šelmy pro své vlastnosti fascinují člověka odnepaměti. S vědeckým poznáním přišlo překvapivé zjištění, že vlci, medvědi a rysové nejsou škodnou zvěří, ale mají v ekosystému svoji nezastupitelnou roli. Zatímco jinde v Evropě se počty šelem opět navyšují, v České republice jejich stavy stále kolísají. Dokument CAUSA CARNIVORA hledá odpověď na otázku, proč naše země v soužití s velkými šelmami představuje izolovaný ostrov uprostřed Evropy. Spolu s Vlčími hlídkami organizovanými Hnutím DUHA se snaží zjistit, co jim brání v návratu do naší krajiny a proč nadále raději nasloucháme krvavým legendám než výzkumům podloženým fakty.

DirectorMarta Kadziela
ScriptMarta Kadziela, Radoslaw Niziolek
Duration26 min.Year2016
“Our disappearing World” is a series of four educational documentary films concerning the rescue of species of plants and animals threatened with extinction as a result of their uncontrolled exploitation for commercial purposes. The four episodes of the series shot on several continents concern problems about which viewers have heard. However, usually viewers do not realize that sometimes they indirectly bear responsibility for the harm being done to nature even though these locations are thousands of kilometers from our country. The host of the series is Mateusz Damiecki, one of the most capable actors of the younger generation, traveler, and someone passionate about nature. He travels to exotic places, countries most of us associate with beautiful photographs on postcards. At the same time, they are sites of the brutal slaughter of animals or wasteful destruction of ecosystems. Mateusz shows viewers the less well known images of some countries. At the same time he learns that sometimes affluent societies including European, are responsible for destroying the local natural world. These far-off lands seem to us unattainably distant, yet the consequences of our activities are visible there. The premise of our program is to show that international trade in protected species is currently a very profitable business, and that demand for prohibited goods on one continent dramatically impacts the ecosystems of distant countries. Episode 1. Kenya. Vulnerable Giants. The main characters of this film are elephants and rhinos. Beautiful specimens of these two species fall victim to poachers due to their impressive tusks and horns. Although from the perspective of our part of the world it seems that trade in ivory belongs to the distant past, if we look at the amounts of ivory seized by authorities we quickly change our minds. Moreover, this smuggling activity is at a 20-year peak and steadily rising. A huge market is Asia, in particular Vietnam, Malaysia, China, and Thailand. Mateusz and our cameras accompany a Kenya Wildlife Service patrol on duty in Tsavo East National Park. These paramilitary units of part rangers wage a regular war with poachers in Kenya. We learn that ever more frequently terrorist organizations become involved in the trade of tusks and horns, earning huge profits for their military operations. In Amboseli National Park, with the picturesque Mount Kilimanjaro as a backdrop, Mateusz meets Dr. Vicki Fishlock, who observes herds of wild elephants that live there. Under her supervision he observes these animals from very close range. He also meets Dr. Cynthia Moss, the best-known elephant behaviorist and researcher in the world. She was first in the battle to save the elephants against the industry that turns their tusks into jewelry and knick-knacks. In Nairobi we visit an orphanage for baby elephants whose mothers have been killed by poachers.

6NamePictures, fairytales and dreams
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorPatrik Ulrich
ScriptPatrik Ulrich
Duration26 min.Year2017
Dokumentární portrét o proslulém východočeském herci, malíři a výtvarníkovi Borisu Šlechtovi za přítomnosti jeho nejduležitějších úspěchů. Dlouholetý člen loutkového divadla Drak a dalších významných regionálních scén bilancuje na tenké nitce mezi radostí a bolestí svého tvůrčího i osobního života. K mistrovým osmdesátým narozeninám natočil dokument jeho dlouholetý přítel a obdivovatel Patrik Ulrich se svými přáte li a spolužáky z Filmové akademie Miroslava Ondříčka v Písku. V rámci dokumentárního filmu navštěvuje Boris Šlechta i významné kulturní instituce a památky, které souvisí s jeho uměleckým životem.

7NameFounded Woman
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorPatrik Ulrich
ScriptPatrik Ulrich
Duration7 min.Year2016
Poeticko-dokumentární portrét o respektovaném českém fotografovi Janu Vávrovi, který úspěšně tvoří a žije v jihočeském Písku. K fotografování ženských figur rád vyhledává krom přírody i netradiční architektonické objekty urbexového charakteru. Kritiky je označován za jednoho z představitelů tzv. neopiktorialismu.

8NameThe Good Life
CountryGermany, Switzerland
DirectorJens Schanze
ScriptJens Schanze
Duration94 min.Year2015

9NameLengguru, the lost world
DirectorTOURNADRE Christine
ScriptTOURNADRE Christine et SURUGUE Brigitte
Duration90 min.Year2016
The most important scientific expedition ever conducted in Papua embarks on the discovery of a lost world, isolated for millions of years, the Lengguru massif. Our film follows the odyssey of a multidisciplinary scientific expedition immersed in a unique ecosystem: the Lengguru karst massif, on the borders of the Indian Ocean, in West Papua. Born of the violent collision of tectonic plates, Lengguru surged upwards suddenly 11 million years ago raising insurmountable barriers. It has since remained closed on itself. So much so that this region has permitted the development of a myriad of species found nowhere else, and about which everything, or almost, has yet to be discovered. The scientific mission, led by Laurent Pouyaud, biologist at the IRD (Institute for Development Research) is composed of some 50 European and Indonesian researchers. They will venture for eight weeks in territories never attained and explore one of the richest and least known biodiversity zones in the world. Their aim is to elucidate the mysteries of Lengguru. In the depths of marine waters, inside a labyrinth of underground caves, in the heart of the rainforest, or in altitude, atop jagged peaks, they will try to unravel the secrets of the evolution and adaptation of living species, prisoners of this lost world for millions of years.

10NameSand - Pictures of a city above Otava river
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorVítězslav Ureš, Yia-Wei Huang
ScriptVáclav Kinský
Duration18 min.Year2013

11NameThe magic of Parson pond
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorHugo Habrman
ScriptHugo Habrman
Duration34 min.Year2013

12NameThe Secret of Spring Streams
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorHugo Habrman
ScriptHugo Habrman
Duration29 min.Year2014

13NameIron Jungle - Nature's Return to the Ruhr Valley
DirectorChristian Baumeister
ScriptBeatrix Stoepel, Herbert Ostwald, Christian Baumeister
Duration43 min.Year2016
For more than 150 years the Ruhr Area was Europe's most extensive industrial zone. Mines and steelworks dominated the region. River systems collapsed and skies were ash-grey. But over the last decades the area has been transformed. Many industries were shut down, and huge areas were abandoned. A whole variety of animals returned to fill the vacuum; invading factory ruins, and re-colonizing badlands, a rtificial hills and lakes. This film not only tells the story of a unique comeback, it also reveals some stunning animal behavior. Above all it celebrates the power and adaptive capacity of life itself.

14NameBefore the flood
DirectorFisher Stevens
ScriptMark Monroe
Duration95 min.Year2016
A look at how climate change affects our environment and what society can do to prevent the demise of endangered species, ecosystems and native communities across the planet.

15Name100 povídek
DirectorNeal Livingston
ScriptNeal Livingston
Duration69 min.Year2016

16NameDimitri,the child who wanted to walk at all costs
DirectorCyril Fleury + Patrice Goldberg
ScriptCyril Fleury + Patrice Goldberg
Duration26 min.Year2016

17NameHe plays violin while a surgeon operates on his brain
DirectorCyril Fleury + Patrice Goldberg
ScriptCyril Fleury + Patrice Goldberg
Duration23 min.Year2016

18NameBurn out
DirectorCyril Fleury + Patrice Goldberg
ScriptCyril Fleury + Patrice Goldberg
Duration23 min.Year2016

19NameVoices of Transition
CountryGermany / France
DirectorNils Aguilar
ScriptNils Aguilar
Duration52 min.Year2013
Voices of Transition presents paths towards a new model of human existence: one which is fair, environmentally sound and fulfilling, with soil and people supporting each other in a balanced and sustainable way.

20NameSeven sins of civilization
DirectorĽubomír Viluda - Ivan Kršiak
ScriptĽubomír Viluda
Duration76 min.Year2016

21NameThat's what Greenland was untill 2017! -GREENLAND SKETCHER-
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorAlena a Jaroslav Klempířovi
ScriptAlena Klempířová
Duration32 min.Year2017

22NameSailings through the ice kingdom of Greenland by Alena and Jaroslav Kemplíř
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorAlena a Jaroslav Klempířovi
ScriptAlena Klempířová
Duration32 min.Year2017

DirectorMauro Russo Rouge
ScriptMauro Russo Rouge
Duration80 min.Year2017

24NameThe Noise of Trains
DirectorCristian Saldía
ScriptCristian Saldía
Duration67 min.Year2015

DirectorJoao Leite
ScriptJoao Leite
Duration40 min.Year2016

DirectorOliver Goetzl
ScriptOliver Goetzl
Duration52 min.Year2015

27NameEverglades - A Watery Wilderness
DirectorZoltan Török
ScriptZoltan Török
Duration51 min.Year2015

28NameZahrada hrou
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorMarta Zídková
ScriptMarta Zídková, Petra Hrubošová, Jana Říhová
Duration43 min.Year2016

29NameMalipura Baandh
DirectorLaxminarayan Devda & Deepak Verma
ScriptLaxminarayan Devdaa
Duration54 min.Year2015
Synopsis Series of small earthen dams were constructed in Sevanpani, a drought prone village in Central India in 2002, bringing irrigation and much needed respite from distress migration. Malipura is one such dam, which provides water through the year, thereby becoming a life support for the entire village. But the story gradually begins to change. In 20016, as the water level in the earthen dam steadily goes down in the hot summer months, the resentments and undercurrents amongst the users begin to rise. The protocol to stop using the water directly from the dam after a certain level has been violated. How does the process of filming the undercurrents help resolve the predicament?

30NameKeetnashak Ya Vinashak
DirectorLaxminaryan Devda
ScriptLaxminaryan Devda
Duration34 min.Year2016
Synopsis Chemical pesticides and weedicides are making inroads in a big way in the farming practices even in the remote tribal villages of Central India. The lack of information on the adverse effect and the protocol of usage of these chemicals have made the farmers utterly vulnerable. A local farmer turned filmmaker brings out the story of agriculture caught in the quagmire of toxic chemicals leading to high input cost, uncertain returns, degrading environment and ill health.

31NameThe step to the Nature
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorPetr Stodůlka
ScriptPetr Stodůlka
Duration14 min.Year2015
Snímek Krok k přírodě zobrazuje klienty občanského sdružení Krok, kteří se v terapeutické komunitě učí žít se svojí závislostí na drogách. V rámci pracovní terapie každoročně podnikají cestu na ostrovy uprostřed Věstonické nádrže, která je přírodní rezervací a významnou ptačí oblastí. Více než měsíc vyrážejí každé ráno ze své základny, v opuštěném románském kostele, na jednotlivé ostrovy, kde provádějí mana gement krajiny, aby zde vytvořili nové hnízdní podmínky ohrožených druhů racků a rybáků. Podle klientů samotných je pobyt a práce na ostrovech trvalým zážitkem pro jejich život. Tato vzácná symbióza viditelně prospívá lidem i přírodě.

32NameTajuplný podzemní svět
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorJosef Harvan
ScriptJosef Harvan, Václav Cílek
Duration27 min.Year2016
Každý kraj má svoje podzemí - hornická, vojenská, sakrální, infranstrukturní, historická i současná

33NameThe stories of gardens
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorLjuba Václavová
ScriptLjuba Václavová
Duration53 min.Year2016
Vypovídají o nás víc, než si myslíme. Jsou součástí života i historie. Nejkrásnějšími zahradami Čech a Moravy nás v dokumentárním filmu režisérky Ljuby Václavové provedou Václav Cílek, M. C. Putna, Zdeněk Lukeš, Markéta a Petra Veličkovi

34NameFerdinandovy Zahrady- Krajinná zahrada
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorJakub Skalický, Martin Hammerschlag
ScriptTereza Frcalová
Duration27 min.Year2017
Druhá část osmidílného cyklu, kde zahradní architekt Ferdinand Leffler představí pozoruhodné kolegy a jejich práce. V každém dílu, vždy během proměny konkrétní zahrady, balkonu či terasy, ukáže, že každá zahrada může mít svůj příběh. A vysvětlí, jak takový příběh objevit a pomoci mu na svět

35NameČeské zázraky- Kde pramení Velká řeka
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorRoman Motyčka
ScriptLenka Carbolová
Duration26 min.Year2016
Hydrolog Bohumír Janský a jeho tým přepsal na přelomu tisíciletí učebnice zeměpisu: za nejdelší řeku světa určil v náročných expedičních podmínkách peruánskou Amazonku. Dokumentární cyklus o Češích, kteří změnili svět.

36NameNedej se- Zápas o mongolský les
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorLadislav Moulis
ScriptLadislav Moulis
Duration26 min.Year2016
Hodinový blok občanské a investigativní žurnalistiky o životním prostředí. Dokument Zápas o mongolský les o unikátním česko-mongolském projektu zabývajícím se pokusem o záchranu a obnovu tamních lesů.

37NameMoje zahrádka- Ovocná neděle
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorMichaela Bergmannová
ScriptMichaela Bergmannová, Renata Fialová
Duration5 min.Year2016

38NameNedej se- Šamani- cesta člověka
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorDaniela Gébová
ScriptDaniela Gébová
Duration26 min.Year2016
Hodinový blok občanské a investigativní žurnalistiky o životním prostředí. V dokumentu Šamani - cesta se seznámíme se třemi zajímavými jedinci, kteří často navštěvují Českou republiku. Co nám přinášejí, předávají a co zde sami nalézají?

39NameMísta života
CountryCzech Republic
DirectorJakub Skalický
ScriptJakub Skalický
Duration52 min.Year2017
Příběh krajiny, která přišla o svůj organismus a ráda by jej získala zpět. O tom, jak člověk získává, co potřebuje - ale i o tom, jak by měl vracet, co si půjčil. Dokument by měl diváka zasvětit do tématu industriálních krajin, principů fungování biotopů a na tom ukázat, jak takový bitop dokážeme "vypěstovat" uměle, pokud dodržíme určiá pravidla. Je třeba lidský zásah do krajiny vždy chápat jako její zničení? Má obnovování funkčnosti krajiny, tedy její rekultivace, vlastně nějaký smysl, když se krajina, potažmo příroda, dokáže celkem slušně zregenerovat sama? Kdy lidská pomoc krajině dopadá dobře, a kdy naopak špatně?

40NameSuperplants - How to Make Money By Saving The Environment
DirectorKlaus Uhrig, Till Krause
ScriptKlaus Uhrig, Till Krause
Duration52 min.Year2016
Just imagine there were superplants. Plants that are quite normal in appearance but possess almost magical abilities. Little plants, which could help humanity get to grips with some of its most intractable problems: environmental pollution, shortages of raw materials, malnutrition, poverty and the destruction of the rain forest. These superplants exist! So-called hyperaccumulators are plants that store so many heavy metals in their leaves that you can use them to decontaminate soil. Others can even be used to gather the accumulated raw materials.

41NameCanada’s National Parks: Banff and the Rocky Mountains
DirectorViktor Apfelbacher, Anna Steuber
ScriptViktor Apfelbacher, Anna Steuber
Duration43 min.Year2016
Banff and the Rocky Mountains: sparkling glaciers, thundering waterfalls, deep gorges and unbelievably blue lakes reflecting the endless fir forests and high craggy mountain peaks. Postcard photo motifs are everywhere. Banff National Park stretches over three vegetation zones to offer a great variety of scenic splendour. The park lies in the middle of the mightiest mountain range in North America, the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Although the days of pioneers and prospectors have long gone, the adventurous spirit from the past has been preserved in the founding history of Canada’s oldest National Park. Then Banff also transports you back to the railroad pioneers of the Canadian Pacific Railway, who constructed the railway line connecting eastern Canada with the far west in the 1880’s to open up the wild mountain world of the Rockies. Since it’s inception in 1885, Banff National Park thrives on tourism and of course the many attractions of the Rockies and it’s wildlife. Banff is the most visited and popular National Park in Canada, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but the ever increasing visitor numbers has long been a threat to the well-being of the rich flora and fauna. In Banff and the Rocky Mountains interviewees such as the mountain philosopher Benn Gadd, the snowboarder and explorer Andrew Harding, tourist guide Jeff Douglas and various employees at the Canadian Forest Service tell of the truly unique beauty of Banff National Park – as well as illuminating on the increasingly difficult task of finding a balance between man and nature. The documentary, Banff und die Rocky Mountains, is the second episode of a five-part series about the most spectacular National Parks in Canada - from the far west to the east coast of the country.

42NameGREED - A Fatal Desire
DirectorJörg Seibold
ScriptJörg Seibold
Duration91 min.Year2016

43NameCanada’s National Parks: Gwaii Haanas - Wild Pacific Beauty
DirectorMechthild Lehning
ScriptMechthild Lehning
Duration43 min.Year2016
Gwaii Haanas National Park is on Haida Gwaaii, an archipelago off the west coast of Canada. Many of its 138 islands and islets are covered by dense rainforest. Species of trees like the giant cedar, hemlock spruce and Sitka pine thrive here together with numerous rare and endangered animals like the largest subspecies of the American black bear, the bald eagle and the tufted puffin. Orcas and humpback whales, seals and Stellar sea lions frolic in the sea. It is the first national park in the world to conserve its entire area - from mountain peaks to sea floor. Its very existence is thanks to the indigenous people, the Haida, who settled on the island 14,000 years ago. In their language, Gwaii Haanas means „place of miracles“ This miracle was, however, seriously threatened during the 20th century by the timber industry, which had begun large-scale deforestation of the rain forest. In the mid 1980’s, the Haida could no longer just stand back and let their environment be destroyed. They had to do something and blocked the logger’s paths to prevent further cutting down. Their lengthy and peaceful protests led to the south of the archipelago being placed under protection in 1988. Since then you need to register visits in advance at the Canadian national Forest Parks Service and the number of visitors is strictly limited. Also, Gwaii Haanas is only accessible by seaplane or boat. In the park, on the islet of Sqaang Gwaii, is an abandoned Haida settlement with ruined houses and totem poles which UNESCO declared a World Heritage Site in 1981. The documentary Gwaii Haanas – Wild Beauty in the Pacific is the first episode of this five-part series about the most spectacular national parks in Canada – from the far west to the east coast of the country.

44NameCanada’s National Parks: The Mingan Archipelago - A Hidden Treasure
DirectorChristian Cools
ScriptChristian Cools
Duration43 min.Year2016
To the far east of the province of Québec, just off the St. Lawrence Gulf coast, lies a hidden treasure: the Mingan Archipelago. Thanks to its unique rock formations and eclectic animal world it was declared a national park in 1984. The Mingan Archipelago covers an area of 100 square kilometres which also encompasses 30 large and small islands. The gigantic and grotesquely shaped monoliths raging up into the sky form an imposing landmark at the Mingan Archipelago National Park. These natural limestone sculptures were formed during the last ice-age by erosion and glacial water. A few kilometres off the coast is the Îles aux Perroquets – Parrot Island. This is where Charles Kavanagh, son of the last lighthouse keeper, spent his childhood. After the lighthouse was automated, buildings on Parrot Island gradually began to fall into disrepair. But now, thanks to the energetic efforts of Audrey Beauchemin, her environmentally sound and sustainable hostel offers accommodation for national park visitors. Yves Aubry and his collegues are researching the migration route of the Red Knot, an endangered bird which makes a stopover in the national park. A new tracking device brings their main objective within reach. Whales are permanent guests in the waters of the archipelago. Christian Ramp and his team from the "Mingan Island Cetacean Study" have settled here to study the ocean giants and document their condition. Patrick Bourgeois and Geneviève Bilodeau are committed to the protection of St. Lawrence and its diverse marine life by using their stunning underwater photography to inspire people around the world. The documentary The Mingan Archipelago – A Hidden Treasure is the fourth episode of this five-part series about the most spectacular national parks in Canada – from the far west to the east coast of the country.

45NameLake of Apples
DirectorLjubo Stefanov and Tamara Kotevska
ScriptTamara Kotevska
Duration30 min.Year2017
Synopsis Filmed over one year, this documentary follows the changing fortunes of beautiful Lake Prespa – one of the oldest freshwater lakes on Earth, providing a habitat for over 2,000 species of plants and animals, many of them unique to this ancient ecosystem. An elderly fisherman rows out across the lake to check on his fishing nets. It’s the same trip he’s made every morning for most of his life. But other things have changed. The famous pelicans and cormorants are not staying here in the same numbers any more. And the fisherman’s nets now only catch algae. The future for the lake and all the lives that depend on it are highly uncertain. Zoran and Frosina, two scientists, set out to investigate the causes of the problem, meticulously sampling and analyzing the water. As they put the pieces of the puzzle together, they uncover some of the deepest secrets of the lake and reveal some uncomfortable truths about the human causes of the pollution that has been destroying the lake. With this discovery comes hope, however, as a major effort is now underway to address the problem. With funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, UNDP has helped reverse pollution in Lake Prespa after 15 years.

46NameWrecked on the Intertidal Zone
CountrySpojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska
DirectorAlistair Oldham
ScriptAlistair Oldham
Duration6 min.Year2017

47NameThe Anti-Monument
CountryUnited Kingdom
DirectorAlistair Oldham
ScriptAlistair Oldham
Duration8 min.Year2017

48NameEpitaphs of the Common Mud
CountryUnited Kingdom
DirectorAlistair Oldham
ScriptAlistair Oldham
Duration9 min.Year2017

49NameFinal Resting Place
CountryUnited Kingdom
DirectorAlistair Oldham
ScriptAlistair Oldham
Duration3 min.Year2017

Organizers: Perseus
Main partners: Ostrava OZO Moravskoslezský kraj
Partners: Ostravská univerzita Ostravské muzeum DPO Plant For the Planet National Geographic Fabex Deník Regionální Televize Modrá laguna